CfP to the DNC6 panel ‘Normalising imaginaries of the radical right?’

Call for papers to the 6th DiscourseNet Congress
Call for papers to the panel: ‘Normalising imaginaries of the radical right? The case of gender, migration and climate. Contributions to the Crisis Discourse Blog.’
6th DiscourseNet Congress (DNC6), Université libre de Bruxelles (Solbosch), 7-10 July, 2025
Deadline for paper proposals: 28 February 2025
Panel abstract
In many contemporary liberal democracies, radical right-wing forces have moved into the centre of political power. This development has been facilitated, it seems, by a ‘normalisation’ of radical right discourses: they have become the common and taken-for-granted repertoire of many political milieus and political parties. This is particularly true of the de-legitimisation of gender equality and diversity, the securitisation of migrants, the stigmatisation of welfare recipients and the de-legitimisation of environmental advocacy.
This panel invites contributions that explore what renders far right discourses on gender, migration and climate so pervasive in mainstream political discourse. Contributions examine the social imaginaries, i.e. the pre-reflective alluded meanings that make these discourses seem convincing, such as heteronormative conceptions of the family, nested territorial citizenship, meritocracy, or nature as an extra-human resource. Drawing on specific discourse approaches, the contributions disentangle the discourse configurations or the small-scale communicative and discursive strategies that normalise these imaginaries.
The contributions will later be published as blog posts on the Crisis Discourse Blog (CriDis), after a collaborative peer review. The blog posts may recycle material from previously published works or preview ongoing research, and may later be turned into academic journal articles.
Details on submission
- Proposals: Please write an abstract of 250 words (excluding title and bibliography) in English or German. The abstract should refer to a specific social imaginary and case (gender, migration, climate) of normalised far right discourse and apply a specific discourse approach. Please indicate the name of the panel ‘Normalising imaginaries of the radical right’ and which CriDis rubric you will use. For details on CriDis rubrics and editorial guidelines see:
- Submission of paper proposals up until: February 28th 2025
- Where to:
- Details on 6th DiscourseNet Congress can be found here:
- In case you cannot be present at the DNC6, you may send your proposal to We will strive to include it in follow-up workshops and peer-review processes.